know it gives many of you a quick, visceral thrill to see a Congressman
or two giving the IRS or Holder or any other political crook (Too many
too count) an earful. You're thinking, finally, someone is telling them
what filthy pieces of trash they are. Finally, someone is telling them
that we, the American people, are not happy, and that we will not put up
with this anymore. I understand, I enjoy it as much as you do.
However, when the soundbite is over, when the chairman of this
committee or that committee moves on to the next witness or Congressman,
what comes next? No, seriously, what comes next. Maybe......MAYBE,
there are one or two Republicans with the stones to call a spade a
spade, but how much influence do they have? What can they really
accomplish? Where is the party leadership during all of this? Anyone
remember Boehner a couple of months back talking about how he wasn't
going to pursue the Benghazi hearings? I posted a couple of articles
about it on this page. Where was Boehner on the IRS debacle, before
other Republicans started getting some press for complaining about the
issue? Leadership? Really?
And just where the hell has Eric
Cantor been during all of this? Has anyone heard anything from him?
Where is the passion?! Where is the principled stance for liberty and
the Constitution? Why are Boehner and Cantor not using their respective
bully pulpits to rail against the abuses of our Bill of Rights and our
Constitution on a daily basis? I realize that many of you, especially
the staunch Republicans among you, just grind your teeth when I ask such
questions, but seriously, where the hell has the Republican LEADERSHIP
been on any of these issues?
It's all political theater. It
means nothing. It will accomplish nothing more than maybe getting a few
Republicans a few more votes in the coming elections, but when the
elections are over it will be back to business as usual. Nothing these
guys do, NOTHING, is based on principle. If it were they would be
consistent about it, but you and I both know that they are not. It's all
about, "How can I fool them now?" You think I'm wrong? You think I'm
just venting? OK, so watch. Watch and see what happens. If these guys
are serious, if the Republican leadership actually has a pair, then
let's all wait for the indictments to come out.
That's right,
the indictments, the warrants, the arrests. You think the Republican
Party gives a damn about you, your liberty, the Bill of Rights? Then
let's see someone go to jail. Let's see someone get impeached. Let's see
the laws of the land enforced in Washington, D.C. just as they would
against you or me. Because until I see that, until I see that there is a
serious and principled effort to hold law-breakers accountable, it's
all just more of the same old political BS we see every year.
Still think I'm wrong? You want to bet any money on it?