I really do enjoy learning about history. All sorts of history is fascinating to me, but none more so than American history. There is always more to learn, no one knows everything about what has transpired in our past. That is why I continue to read and seek out more knowledge. Not just for the educational purposes of such learning, but because I enjoy it so much.
Today is Columbus Day, known to the Social Justice Warriors among us an Indigenous Peoples Day. That's fine, people can have and celebrate any holiday they want to for whatever reasons they want to. However, I would simply ask that they do so with full knowledge of what it is they celebrate and advocate. The story that the SJW's, liberals, democrats, progressives (I'll call this group SJW's to save time) want us to believe is that while Columbus, and other Europeans who came to North America, were murderous, rapacious monsters the indigenous peoples were peaceful, caring, loving people who lived off of and cared for the land, and lived in harmony with nature and other tribes around them. As Barry White used to say, "Sho' you right."
Now please don't make the mistake of assuming that I am in any way trying to justify bad behavior by any group of people. I am simply using what we know about history (Those of us who actually study it and acknowledge it) to point out that the narratives we are fed in today's news, TV shows, protests, and text books may not be the most accurate source of history. I am including links to four articles that I found upon a brief search of the Interwebs. You can find more, and I am confident that libraries and book stores across the country can provide further details (You remember libraries, don't you?).
These articles alone paint a very different picture of the "Indigenous Peoples" of North America. They were not the peaceful at one with nature clans that you may have been told they were. Also worthy of note is that most of these indigenous peoples were not really from the North American continent, before it ever acquired that designation. Maybe you've heard of the Bering Land Bridge that connected this continent to Asia. Or maybe you are familiar with the journeys made to this land from points South and East. History is full of such stories and it is fascinating stuff. My point is that maybe there are no "indigenous" people, just people who came from somewhere else seeking food and milder climates.
Human history is filled with violence and examples of one group seeking to take from another group. Today's human being may find this difficult to fathom, as we are so much more enlightened now, but a quick look around the globe will dispel any mistaken notions that this human flaw has been eradicated (Just look at American politics and the desire for more power by the two major political parties).