The police, the military, and several government offices throughout the land all swear an oath when taking office or taking on their job. In that oath they swear to "protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC."
That seems pretty straight-forward to me, how about you? What is an enemy to the Constitution? Is that someone who seeks to undermine, subvert, change, ignore, or illegally and without proper authorization (Amendment Process) alter it to suit themselves or a political party, ANY political party? Is it a foreign state that seeks to invade and conquer? And who gets to determine what or who that enemy is? Do the police officers or the military personnel get to make that determination or do they have to "wait for orders?" If you have to "wait for orders" from on high, then what purpose does that oath really serve? What if the person(s) issuing those orders are one of or part of those DOMESTIC enemies?
In order for anyone, military, police, or government personnel, to make such a determination don't they have to have read and understand the Constitution they swore to defend? Otherwise, again, what is the point? If they do not understand that document, that form of government, and they have to wait for orders from someone else, then they have not sworn an oath to defend anything other than the person issuing the orders. Should this concern the rest of us? Are we even allowed to ask such questions and challenge such authority? Does asking such questions make one a "cop-hater" or a "military-hater?" And if the police and the military are sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution, and our liberty, then why are we losing more of each every day? At what point do the police and the military fight the powers that seek to destroy that document and our liberty with it?
Do my questions make you uncomfortable? Would you rather I not ask them? Does asking such questions put me in a particular political party, in your eyes, or are they an indication that maybe I do understand the Constitution and what oaths mean? When you take an oath either you mean it or you don't. If you don't then you are a liar and a scoundrel and deserve to be taken to task in the strongest terms. If you do mean it then at what point do you choose to act on it and adhere to it? Do you have to wait to be told or are you "allowed" to act when you see the danger?
I know what I believe, but I find that my beliefs seem to place me in an ever dwindling minority of people who understand liberty.