still know people who will tell me that we need to vote harder next
election, we need to get involved, we need to work within the party
(Republican) to "fix things." Folks, don't you get it yet? Are you still
in the dark? The Republicans are not going to save the country, the
Republicans are part of the problem. And now we can plan for the U.S.
Congress, with the aid of the White House, to further restrict your
rights and take ever more of your freedom and money.
police are not on your side, the military is "fighting for your
freedom" over in the Middle East, while we are losing it here in the
states, the media does not keep you informed, the school systems trumpet
Marxism at all levels, big corporations hold sway and care more about
their profits than they do about you, the "entertainment" industry
indoctrinates rather than entertaining, and way too many of our fellow
Americans don't think that any of this is a problem. They welcome it,
they embrace Marxism, they talk of a color-blind society, while at the
same time demanding that you notice everyone's color, race, ethnicity,
religion, sexual preference, etc. There is no intellectual consistency,
no intellectual honesty, it's all about whatever works for them.
riot, loot, burn, vandalize and assault with impunity, but anyone who
stands for the opposite of what they promote is quashed, attacked,
arrested, and put down by the government's enforcers. If you speak of
things like the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, freedom, or liberty
you are labeled a "radical." If you choose to exercise one of your
rights you are an instigator, a troublemaker. While those who speak of
collectivism, Marxism, governmental authority, and the like are lionized
as the enlightened among us. And all the while we sit back and wait for
someone else to save us.
have petitioned, we have protested, we have carried signs, made
speeches, written letters, done vehicle caravan protests, gotten
involved in the party, some have run for office, and many have voted in
every election, but here we are. Do any of you STILL think that your
"party" is going to save you? The country? What has your party done in
the last 20 years that makes you cling to that belief? Our election
system is severely compromised. We see the evidence ourselves, our
commonsense screams that there is something wrong, the videos are out
there for anyone who cares to look at them, and yet your party has shown
no courage to stand up and do the right thing, AT ALL! Certainly some
individuals have stepped up, but where are the leaders? Where are those
with the power to get things done? Why is no one charged, arrested, and
prosecuted for the obvious crimes and TREASON that is right in front of
vote, you complain, you petition, you protest, you call on the police
and the military, yet here we are. I speak for myself, and only myself,
when I say that the time for peaceful redress is over. Those who would
take our rights and our freedoms have shown that they do not shy away
from using force and intimidation, with the blessing and cooperation of
the government, and I submit that the time has come to stop taking it. A
lot of you talk about the Second Amendment and why we have it. You
revere our Founding and subsequent generations who stood and made the
ultimate sacrifice to achieve freedom for themselves and their
posterity. Now I ask, "WHAT WILL YOU DO?!"